The following article demonstrates how to create mailing labels using the GoMax Mailing List module. The final label is produced using a .csv file (excel spread sheet) and a Microsoft Word mail merge.
Step 1: Set up, download and edit your contact list for your labels from your GoMax account:
- Go to your ‘InTouch > Mailing Lists’ menu in your Gomax account.
- Select ‘New List’ and use the filters provided under ‘Search your CRM’. Some of the most popular are ‘All Contacts’ and by ‘CRM Category Name’. Once the search has provided you with names, make sure to ‘select all’ (or select all that you require) and click ‘Add Recipients’.
- Give your list a name and then choose “Download list’ and save the .xls to your computer.
- Open your excel spread sheet and look over your data. You may need to clean up some of your records. Make sure the entire mailing address is complete. I.E. postal code, province etc…
- Edit each Unit Number to include a dash after the data. (IE: 204 change this to 204-) This ensures a proper separation on the final label: 204-1500 Main Street -instead- of 2041500 Main Street.
- If your list is contact based, you will notice a row of data for each applicant on your mortgage files in the final excel sheet. You will want to delete the extra/duplicate rows of data that you do not require for your labels.
- Save your excel spread sheet as a .csv (comma delimited) file. In excel, go to file > save as > file type: CSV. If this is not done, the merge will not be successful.
- Download the starting mailing label document that GoMax has already created for you. (so you do not have to create the label from scratch) This can be found in this article below…
Avery 5160 Merged Salutation Christmas Themed Label
Avery 5160 Merged Salutation Labels
Avery 5160 Company Name Labels
Steps for PC Users
Step 2: Create the mailing label document (PC)
- Open a blank document in Word, and then start the mail merge. To start a mail merge, follow these steps, as appropriate for the version of Word that you are running:
- Microsoft Word 2002
On the Tools menu, click Letters and Mailings, and then click Mail Merge Wizard. - Microsoft Office Word 2003
On the Tools menu, click Letters and Mailings, and then click Mail Merge. - Microsoft Office Word 2007 or later versions of Word
On the Mailings tab, click Start Mail Merge, and then click Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard.
- Microsoft Word 2002
- Under Select document type, click Labels, and then click Next: Starting Document.
- Under Select starting document, click Start from existing document and click (more files…)
With the Start from existing document option, you can open an existing mail-merge document (the one that GoMax created for you called ‘Avery 5160 merged salutation label’) and use that as your main starting document. Click Open. - Click Next: Select Recipients.
Step 3: Select the data source (PC)
- In the Mail Merge task pane, click Use an existing list, and then click Browse under the Use an existing list heading.
- The Select Data Source dialog box appears.
- In the list of files in the Select Data Source dialog box, select the data source that you want to use (the Gomax contact list csv file), and then click Open.
Word displays the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box for you to edit your data more. When you finish your editing changes, click OK.
Click: Next: Write your letter (Step 3 of 6)
Click: Next: Preview your letters (Step 4 of 6)
Step 4: Perform the merge (PC)
- In the Mail Merge task pane, verify that the Complete the merge step is displayed and click ‘Complete the Merge’.To merge directly to the printer, click Print. The Merge to printer dialog box appears, so that you can select which records to merge. Click OK. The Print dialog box appears, so that you can select your printer and print the labels.To merge on the screen, click Edit individual labels. The Merge to new document dialog box appears, so that you can select which records to merge. Click OK to merge the labels. You can view the labels before you print them.
- After the merged document appears on the screen, you can save it as a separate document, you can print the merged document by clicking Print on the File menu, or you can do both.
TIP – to ensure proper alignment of your labels, make sure to test print your labels to a plain piece of paper first and then hold it up to a window with a real sheet of labels behind it. This will give you an idea of how your labels will look after they are printed. If there are any margin or alignment issues, you can edit your labels to fix any problems before ruining those costly stickers!
Steps for MAC Users
We have found that Apple has a number of different methods and processes depending on the version of the Mac OS and age of your computer. Please consult the documentation for your current system for more information on how to perform mail merges on a Mac computer.
Additional information on creating labels is available from Microsoft. Please note that GoMax Solutions does not provide support for third party software such as Microsoft.
Need to print directly to envelopes instead? Click here to learn how!