How to Upload to DocMan

How to Upload to DocMan

The GoMax Mortgage Broker CRM provides you with Contact and Mortgage deal “Document Storage”. This is an ideal way to store necessary mortgage documents that are important to the contact and/or their mortgage deal. To upload a document to the Contact, do the following: Click on ‘Contacts’ in the main menu navigation column on the left. Using the alphabet strip to locate your contact by last name or perform a search using the various options available. Click the ‘View’ button … Continued
DocMan – Questions and Answers

DocMan – Questions and Answers

What’s the difference between uploading a document to my contact vs. uploading a document to my contact’s mortgage file? It is always good practice to upload your documents so your computer doesn’t get clogged up. Sometimes your contacts may have multiple mortgages and you will want to keep your documents organized. If you store documents under the contact’s name for 6 different mortgages it is going to be very difficult to sift through them later. If you upload your documents … Continued