Domain Name Servers (DNS) translates domain names to IP addresses, a language that a computer understands. Computers do not directly understand domain names but they do understand numbers such as IP addresses.

In order for other computers/users to find your website (which would have a domain name attached to it), you must configure the ‘DNS’ of your domain name to “point” to our network of computers (servers), telling the world where your website is.  This can be done using 2 different methods:  1) direct DNS entries at the Registrar where you purchased your domain name, or 2) by setting the Primary and Secondary nameservers to use the GoMax network.

To change the Domain Name Servers (DNS) for your domain name, browse to the website that you purchased your domain name, log-in to your account, and look for the location that allows you to change the Domain Name Servers (DNS). If you are using one of the two recommended domain name registrars (eNom or GoDaddy), please follow the instructions below.

GoMax Solutions two Domain Name Servers  and corresponding IP Addresses are as follows:

At the very least you will need to enter the hostname only into the Domain Name Servers settings. Some registrars will also require the corresponding IP Addresses as well. Note, not in all cases will your domain name registrar require the IP Addresses. If this is the case simply disregard them. Once you change your Domain Name Servers it may take approximately 24-48 hours for your website to be seen on the internet.

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